This blog investigates the ability to radically change my world view and transform the quality and strength of my mind. The present is unique in world history. On one hand chaos and uncertainty abound and the other, the possibility of the greatest joy and happiness on finding truth about the self. It examines the question 'who am I' offering a different perspective. Slightly 'tongue-in-cheek' the posts are based on spiritual knowledge which has the ability to change lives in unlimited ways.
Friday, 2 June 2017
Call of the Ocean
Where it all began
And in between all sustained and fed.
Where it all will end,
Where the rivers knew there would be land.
To the infinity from which all life emerged.
They'd heard the call before,
Remembered the words.
They hear the call of the Ocean.
They hear the call of their home.
The clouds like place
And the old river on its ageless journey.
The flying birds and the warm wind carrying them seaward.
Past is running faster advancing from the rear.
The sound of Your waves is ringing in our ear.
Ageless unchanging, supremely strong.
Fixed and permanent never wrong.
I hear the call of the Ocean,
I hear the call of the Ocean,
We hear the call of the Ocean,
We hear the call of the Ocean,
We hear the call of our home.
Eugene Romain & Louis Cennamo - Call of the Ocean. Diamond Harbour CD
Diamond Harbour
Rivers of light flow softly to the Ocean,
The cycle complete, the journey's end.
Creation calls, Creator comes,
From silence into sound descends.
Down at the Diamond Harbour
The time travellers have come so far.
Across the sunset and through the night.
Playing out their wondrous parts.
Now lost and deceived by false delights,
But everything's alright
Now they've reached the Diamond Harbour.
At the Diamond Harbour there's a meeting place
Peace waves wash away tired yearnings.
Once empty vessels filled with treasure
Set sail at dawn, homeward, returning,
Their going home at last.
Thanks to the Diamond Harbour.
A place of rest and salvation.
A chance to mend broken sails.
And wherever we travel from here,
We'll always remember, the time,
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
We'll always remember,
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
We'll always remember,
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
We'll always remember,
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
We'll always remember,
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
Eugene Romain & Louis Cannamo: Diamond Harbour CD
Eugene Romain & Louis Cannamo: Diamond Harbour CD
The Absurd Puppet Show
It seems crazy to think that we think we are the wooden puppet in the five minute puppet show but that is what the darkness of ignorance does to us. We think and act as if we are crazy. We have created this physical identity which we call 'the self' but is in fact a false ego.
We are the invisible, eternal, light beings and the sooner we get used to that the sooner all the suffering in the world will end and we can go back home to our eternal world of peace. All shows must come to an end and this one is no different. However, there's always the next show to prepare for.
Thursday, 1 June 2017
The Celestial Celebration
Why not celebrate in the celestial regions for a change? There's the King and the royal family (our soul brothers) for company and as much peace and silence as we can handle. It's safe and secure and love filled and we can stay as long as we like. It's our home after all. We're just visiting this corporeal world. We're guests here and it's soon time to return home for awhile so why not start practicing now?
We're actually aliens. Our world is the land of peace not this puppet show world. We're actors and this world is the stage. Doesn't seem like it does it or does it a times? Are there times when you feel it's a like a dream or that you've been here before? It all seems so 'real' doesn't it? Hard to think it's illusionary.
It's the body that we're in that gives it that real appearance and feeling. Our body are our interface between the invisible spiritual dimension and this world of matter. We've been inhabiting our bodies since before we were born, we entered it while it was still in our mother's womb. So it's all so familiar but things are not the way that they appear.
It's because we think that our body and the role we are playing is real (your ego identity) that we experience fluctuations in your life. Happiness and sorrow, victory and defeat. If we begin to detach from our role and learn to become an observer of the story things will rapidly change for the better. We'll become stable and constantly happy. Sound good?
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Being awake, staying awake.
Waking up can happen in a second. Staying awake takes a lifetime. Staying awake is life. Being asleep is death.
When you are awake you are godlike, royal, noble, an angel. You benefit yourself and everyone and everything in the world. The effects of being awake are immediate. Constant peace, bliss, love and happiness go with the awake territory. These qualities and powers emanate from you and are received by others automatically. There's great benefit in being awake. It's worth making the effort for.
Being equal to God
All are equal to God but few realise it, now. Being awake means experiencing this to be true. This is the yogi's experience. When a soul has accurate knowledge of God and the self and contemplates that, the experience of being equal emerges.
When the soul, who is I, has experimented and learnt to practice and maintain that experience, behaviour changes. The soul is then a living god, a divine human being, a deity. A deity means one who is full and only gives.
All of this is possible with accurate knowledge and practice. Heaven is an age here on this planet when all that are here are walking gods. It existed before and will exist again. That's what happens with cyclic time. The future becomes the present, the present becomes the past and the past becomes the future.
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
A yogi lives there and comes here. One who practices yoga lives here and goes there.
A yogi resides in the eternally silent home of light. It is his love, his life. A yogi is complete, one hundred percent content, blissful, loveful and peaceful. If a yogi isn't all of these things all of the time then he isn't a yogi but rather, one who does yoga.
A yogi is one who has yoga (connection, union) with the eternal self which is peaceful, loveful blissful, God, the King of Kings and his family of noble brothers, all other souls. A yogi is that eternally, for all time. It is only possible to remain in such a state of being when there is total disinterest in the cartoon world. This world, the ever-changing, dualistic story.
A yogi developed disinterest in this world because he realised that all that he sought is all that he is. Realising that he changed his perspective from participant to detached observer of the story. He developed trustee, guest consciousness and from that moment on he was fulfilled and moved from this world to that world, the eternal world of light.
A yogi developed disinterest in this world because he realised that all that he sought is all that he is. Realising that he changed his perspective from participant to detached observer of the story. He developed trustee, guest consciousness and from that moment on he was fulfilled and moved from this world to that world, the eternal world of light.
Peace is just a state of mind
Peace is just a state of mind. Silence is too. Thinking of silence makes the mind silent. The Awake Angels reside in the world of silence with their silent Father and silent royal brothers.
The Awake Angels are beings of light, bodiless, egoless and eternal. Eternally peaceful, eternally blissful, eternally silent. The eternal home of silent light is the home of all souls, but not all souls can reside there at this time. Most are imprisoned in this corporeal world, the world of constant change.
Awake Angels live with their beautiful Father and their noble family in eternal silence. When their is silence of the mind, bliss, peace, love, contentment is the order of the day. Awake Angels would rather be in their home than in the story that takes place in the physical world. There is nothing here that can bind them. They come here to serve their family and help take them back to the silent home.
The silent, eternal, dimension of light is where souls are refreshed so as they can begin their journey to the corporeal world and play their pre-determined parts.
Monday, 29 May 2017
Thanks to Heather Tara
Those beings of light, those awake angels they're the one's who see with such clarity. It's as if they see everything. It's as though they know everything. Their visions see past the drama walls, the drama boundaries and into waking reality. Their vision is clear and accurate. This means they're not victim to ignorance or confusion, they're not trapped by Maya's tricks. They stay clear, with clear accurate perspective.
Seeing what is real and knowing that what is drama is just a cartoon, just a fictional story. For them this is obvious. So they remain completely unaffected by drama, unaffected by the story, the Tom and Jerry cartoon.
These angels remain with the waking reality and through that by keeping their consciousness from the perspective of the audience, keeping that detached view, they experience the complete treasures, complete freedom peace full contentment they live with the company of angels in their divine home. They have the divine Father as their constant companion. It's a life that is full and rich and they find they don't need anything from drama, they have no use for the things of drama and so they remain ever content, happy, joyful, sparkling.
All are subtle, invisible beings of light but...
All are subtle, invisible beings of light but some are aware of that and others aren't. All are residents of the home, the dimension of light beyond the Sky but some are aware of that and others aren't.
All are the children of the King of Kings but most don't know it or experience it to be true. The challenge after discovering this knowledge is staying in the awareness of that continuously. Staying awake.
The Awake Angels are one hundred percent awake one hundred percent of the time and so experience life to be a game, great fun and very entertaining. The task of the Awake Angels is to stay awake and to awaken all others.
The Awake Angels, when engaged in the Toy Story, are aware they are acting, playing a part and they are guests in the play. They know that this play is a temporary activity and not reality. It is fictional, that is, it is not the truth.
The Awake Angels are always aware of this truth one hundred percent of the time. Staying in this awareness means they are free and without any sorrow. They are one hundred percent happy one hundred percent of the time. Being awake means they have everything they need. Complete happiness, complete peace, complete contentment. Their light shines automatically and has an effect on their Asleep Family. It helps the asleep ones to wake up.
Knowing the truth means to have everything. Nothing is lacking and therefore these angels want for nothing from the insane play. Nothing of the drama affects them. Their light remains ignited and radiant.
Awake Angels know the beginning, the middle and the end of time.
The Awake Angels know the beginning, middle and end of time and watch the play as detached observers. They have to otherwise they will fall asleep and they will forfeit their peace and happiness. So a lot of attention is paid to this 'staying awake'. If you 'fall asleep' you will become mortal and haunted by death. Not just yours but everyone else's too. 'Falling asleep' is the elephant in the room. Everyone is walking around in a dream creating their own reality. Everyone except the Awake Angels.
Their name indicates their state of mind, their awareness and one can assume from that, their state of being. The Awake Angels know the beginning, middle and end of time and that's very useful information if one wants to live a life of peace and happiness, which we all do, right?
Knowing what happened, what is happening and what is about to happen helps tremendously with the staying awake process. Can you see how that works?
The Awake Angels adopt the consciousness of being a guest in this play, this short fictional story and therefore don't become attached to anything. It's attachment that causes all the problems for us. The Awake Angels have an 'instrument' and a 'trustee' consciousness too and this keeps them free from burden and bondage. Double light.
Sunday, 28 May 2017
Seeing with the eyes of God
Does God have eyes? Of course not. He is incorporeal and doesn't have a body of His own but 'He' can still see. God sees with His mind and knows with His intellect.
God is a bodiless, invisible, subtle being so there can't be the question of eyes and yet He still has vision. What does God see when He 'looks' at you? Well, 'He' sees that you are just like Him. How's that? Beautiful, lovely full of virtue. How do I know. It's obvious really if you think about it. God is beautiful and lovely, the Ocean of Peace and the Ocean of Love so He can't fail to look at you in the way described previously. He never sees the 'character' you play when you incarnate in a body. That is immaterial to Him, He couldn't care less.
So because He sees past the gross and only views the subtle you can do the same. Then it will be as if you are seeing with the eyes of God. You can learn to do it with the right guidance and the benefits are immeasurable. How much happiness do you want?
I am not Phillihp Gough
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This is not me. |
I am not Phillihp Gough. No really, I'm not. Phillihp Gough, as mentioned before on this blog, is a fictional character who exists for a comparatively short period of time and then ceases to exist for awhile. Quite a long while. However, I am the actor who plays the part of Phillihp Gough in the 5000 year long drama series called 'Life'.
This drama series, eternally running at a location near you, has a very large cast (would you believe 7.5 billion?) including Ellen Long (nee Cobb) another fictional character! Ellen Long (nee Cobb) might have been the character I was playing before Phillihp Gough but I can't be sure. Ellen played the part of Phillihp Gough's great grandmother. Ellen 'ceased to be' at 171 Chamberlayne Road Eastleigh and Phillihp 'came into being' at the same address a short time later.
The reason I call Phillihp Gough a fictional work of art is to clarify and answer the question 'who am I'? Readers of this blog will know that 'I' am an angel but then so are you. The difference at this point of time is that I am 'awake' and you are more than likely 'asleep'. Or put another way, aware or unaware. It could also be said enlightened or ignorant.
I could however, have it all wrong. You might know who you really are, though my guess is you'd probably be referring to the character and not the actor. Actually, it is easy to tell.
If you believe 'the character' to be you then you will experience both happiness and sorrow in your life and you will fluctuate between these two. If you believe the actor to be you then your life will be constantly peaceful and happy no matter what happens around you. You decide.
So who am I? I am an Awakened Angel and I, like you, come from a dimension beyond the sky. I am invisible but never-the-less am pleased to meet you.
If you believe 'the character' to be you then you will experience both happiness and sorrow in your life and you will fluctuate between these two. If you believe the actor to be you then your life will be constantly peaceful and happy no matter what happens around you. You decide.
So who am I? I am an Awakened Angel and I, like you, come from a dimension beyond the sky. I am invisible but never-the-less am pleased to meet you.
Am I in the story or observing the story?
Being in the story when blind is not good for our health. Being in the story with clear 'internal sight' is lots of fun and to be encouraged.
Awake Angels, the invisible beings of light and love are always careful to keep their third eye, their eye of awareness, of truth, open. They know there are pitfalls, traps that can, in a second leave them stranded, trapped in the story believing it to be real. The traps are those things which make them believe they are the fictional characters that they are playing in this eternal, never ending story.
The Awake Angels know there is nothing of value to them here in the corporeal world. They are complete and lovely, self-realised and have everything they need. They have the Beautiful Father, their divine family of royal brothers and their home of light. They are one hundred percent happy in heart and mind.
The Awake Angels observe the story as detached observers. They consider themselves to be guest here and that keeps them safe and able to help their sleeping family awaken.
Awake Angels can even observe their own fictional characters in the Toy Story
When angels first come into the drama play they are fully awake but only for a short time. They do know, in the beginning, that they are not the character they are playing, but time does funny things to their awareness and over time they forget. Just forget. Nothing sinister there at all, just memory loss. It could be called, falling asleep.
Even though the characters they are playing don't experience sorrow initially, this forgetting, sleeping, eventually leads them into doing things that aren't so good for their emotional, mental and physical health.
What starts off as a toy story, a game of fun, happiness, excitement, gradually becomes tainted. That's the way of things. Order to disorder, new to old. The immortal Awake Angel becomes the mortal Asleep Angel, the human being.
Eventually, slowly at first, the angels awaken and once awake begin the process of awakening others and transforming the world.
It's just a play. Let the fun begin!
It's just a play, so let's play. The Awake Angels enjoy every second of the play, the complex plots and characters, the intricate goings on, the amusing situations that their Asleep Brothers get themselves into.
All the Awake Angels need to do to enjoy the play, the eternal story, is to stay awake and they do this easily with the support of the Father, the King of Kings and their noble brothers. The Awake Angels know that madness, insanity awaits them if they fall asleep so they pay attention to maintaining the one hundred percent clarity of their intellect so as they can easily discern between truth and fiction.
Truth is they are eternal, loveful, peaceful, content beings of light from the dimension beyond the sky and falsehood is that they are the fictional characters that they portray in order to participate within the play.
The Awake Angels would think it bizarre to believe that they actually were those puppets who participate in the play, those cartoon characters but they know that many, most of their brothers believe that to be true and so end up experiencing sorrow along with their moments of happiness.
So the awake angels go about their business at this time, staying awake and helping their slumbering brothers to awaken so they can begin playing again.
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