Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Lucky Stars

Observing the Lucky Stars, the fortunate angels who are awake and able to clearly see themselves as they really are and see the play as small and insignificant. The Awakened Angels can be involved in the drama yet remain detached from it. To them it is easy and natural to stay in the awareness of their divine and noble nature, their wonderful family of noble princes and their Father the King of Kings.

These Lucky Stars are one hundred percent free from desire, one hundred percent free from sorrow, one hundred percent free from Maya. With the help of the Father and the family they are able to remain free from the madness of the drama at this time and serve their brothers who have not yet awakened. This service is their greatest happiness, their greatest joy.

For the Lucky Stars their is no greater pleasure than to help the members of their family, the whole world of souls, re-discover themselves, to awaken and transform their life from sorrow into eternal happiness.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Let us come back to the practice

"In the drama, at one moment there is the sound of banging and at another time the sound of music. Different plots. We know that this is the variety drama but we also remind ourselves that it is a small drama, a plastic drama, a fictional drama and the characters in it are like tiny Lilliput's, and compared to the reality beyond, they are small and everything is so short. The more we see it as small, short and insignificant, the more detachment will be easier. Then we can see the reality in a more natural way. In this reality are the angelic living beings, the family and the Father. All good and all safe, eternally. We see this as obvious and normal. We don't see this as a meditation. It is a family, the Father and the home.

This is a world in which the vibrations are of security, immortality, contentment.  No desires. Vibrations of peace and bliss, vibrations of respect and love. Respect for all, love for all. Vibrations of equality and greatness, vibrations of innocence and joy. It is a world of harmony, a world of eternal dance, eternal celebration. All are good and all are eternally safe. It's a great celebration. The truth of everyone is extremely beautiful. They are loved by God. They belong to the family of divine beings, eternally

From this world we come back into the Lilliput world and we see the different plots in the Lilliput drama. These avyakt beings remain awake and sensible while they remain in this Lilliput drama. Their only attention is to not go mad and lose themselves in the Lilliput drama. They have truth which remains the eternal truth, their dance remains eternal  and their celebration remains eternal."

Thanks to Prashant for this practice.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Self sovereign

The pure, perfect, being of light is complete and sovereign. The story from immortality to mortality involves a journey from the light into the dark, from clarity to confusion. 

The story is just a story, entertainment, fun, but time transforms it into a drama such that we seek to escape it by any means. 

From sovereigns we become slaves. From masters of our senses and time, we transform and shrink into a hell of our own making. Like the Phoenix we rise from the ashes of our negated virtues, the pit of self-harming vice and once more, as before, replace the crown upon our head.

The angels awake from a dream turned nightmare, seek meaning in many paths, unnecessarily complicating a simple tale of an entropic dance of fictional characters who become consumed in their roles.

Lest we forget

What happens if we do forget? Forget what? Forget who we are, where we are from and why we are here. Forget the Father and the laws of action. Forget we are immortal and eternal. Who is this 'we' anyway?

If we forget we die, if we remember we die. How so? One death contains constant happiness and freedom and the other eternal bondage and sorrow. Which will you choose?

This circular story contains our birth and death and our birth again. The elaborate story consumes and blinds us over time and yet time itself is the healer which brings us back to life. Remember this and joy becomes your birthright. Forget and life becomes a long arduous journey stumbling in the dark. Lest we forget!

Avyakt Bapdada 1st April 1982

"To become an angel means that whilst in a corporeal body you stay in the form of light, that is, with your intellect you remain constantly in the stage up above. Angels don’t set foot on the ground. How will you stay up above? With the intellect. Let the foot of the intellect always be in an elevated stage. 

Are you becoming such angels, or have you already become those? You are Brahmins anyway. If you weren’t Brahmins, you wouldn’t have got permission to come here. However, to what extent have you Brahmins adopted the angelic stage? Angels are shown with bodies of light. The more you consider yourself to be a soul, an embodiment of light, the more you consider yourself to be as light as you walk and move around, the more you will feel as though you are an angel walking in a body of light. 

An angel means to be one who has no connection with the awareness of his own body. To break your connection with body consciousness - not from the body, but from the consciousness of the body – means to be an angel. When your connection with the body is broken, you will then leave here. However, at the moment, your connection with the consciousness of the body has to be broken. 

You will then love this life a great deal and Maya will not attract you in any way. Achcha."

Thanks to Heather

"I come to this practice to observe those sparkling lights, that is, the Awake Angels. They sparkle because there is no eclipse of Raven.

For them they are completely free of Raven and Maya. Being fully awake they have come out of the drama completely. Not even the tiniest thread holds them. They are completely detached. For them, they see the drama but they see it as a story. Small, insignificant. A story that does not relate to them. They are beyond that drama. They belong in the angelic world, in the angelic home, with their Father, their brothers. For them the drama is a place to visit, a place to do service and they do service by shining light. Their service is one of shining light, dispelling darkness, removing confusion, giving clarity. 

These angels, when awake, they naturally sparkle. They are clear, accurate, it's their natural nature. When waking up, that is when the eclipse of Raven is removed, they can't help but shine brightly. 

They are true sparkling stars and so their service depends on staying awake because when they're awake that bright sparkling star is visible, it attracts, it brings the other angels close, into contact. It exposes truth. 

And so for the Awake Angels to be free to shine, free to sparkle, to be free to come and go, to serve the other angels, this is the greatest happiness. To be their natural selves for them is the greatest fortune."