Observing the Lucky Stars, the fortunate angels who are awake and able to clearly see themselves as they really are and see the play as small and insignificant. The Awakened Angels can be involved in the drama yet remain detached from it. To them it is easy and natural to stay in the awareness of their divine and noble nature, their wonderful family of noble princes and their Father the King of Kings.
These Lucky Stars are one hundred percent free from desire, one hundred percent free from sorrow, one hundred percent free from Maya. With the help of the Father and the family they are able to remain free from the madness of the drama at this time and serve their brothers who have not yet awakened. This service is their greatest happiness, their greatest joy.
For the Lucky Stars their is no greater pleasure than to help the members of their family, the whole world of souls, re-discover themselves, to awaken and transform their life from sorrow into eternal happiness.