Saturday, 13 May 2017

Tricks and Traps

To The Awakened the illusion of reality never gets mistaken for the truth. Truth is The Father, the divine family of awakened angel's and the home beyond the sky.

The Awakened are not excited by The Illusion they simply observe it with amazement. Amazed that an angel can get trapped in an obvious lie, a fabrication a complex piece of fiction. But it is so.

The Awakened, the beings of light and love, have only one interest in the fictional play, that of rescuing their brothers from the sleep of ignorance which has them believing the play is reality.

The Awakened Angels with their Father the King of Kings, by being stable and constantly in the light become beacons for those trapped in the shadows so as they can find their way home.

Friday, 12 May 2017

The Ever Shining Light

The light of The Ever Shining Light, The One Great Light, originates in the mind of The One. The light is the thoughts of The One, the vision of The One, the awareness of The One. 

Because the Great Light is always in the light He radiates light and that light attracts. Like moths to a flame. Light cannot be hidden in the darkness. Darkness becomes light.

Upon Awakening

The Awakened upon awakening make effort to re-establish themselves in space and time. That is, in infinite space and beyond time. Habit places them in the role, the fictional character, the story. The effort is to quickly restore the perspective of truth. From out of the shadows, into the light.

The Awakened, the fortunate ones, those with royal behaviour and noble intent, are aware of the power of their light and the necessity to remain ignited. 

They are aware of The Great Light, the ever aware King of Kings and their connection with That One. Without The Great Light the lights become dim and extinguish. They are aware of their brothers in the dark and the need to remain lighthouses, to guide them into the light.

The lights know that success is assured, that soon, as per plan, all will be light and no shadows will exist. All the lights need to do is remain alight and with The Light.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

RIP Phillihp Gough

Rest in peace Phillihp Gough for you are no more. You didn't die in the traditional way, you just simply ceased to be. Faded into the light. You were fictitious anyway. It's bizarre that it took you so long to realise that. In spite of the pain it caused you, being 'he'. Now you are free to go where you want, do what you want, however you want. You've got what you always wanted. Or was it Phillihp who wanted that?

I created you and The Light created me. I am fact and you were fiction. I am truth and you...a lie! I bear you no ill. In fact I once thought that you were me.

You weren't the first, Phillihp Gough and you won't be the last. There were many before you. In fact, you'll become me again, I'll fall for the illusion and then come around to the truth once more. So, wir trennen uns nur um uns wieder zu treffen herr Phillihp.

Being Light

Light is still. Light is aware. Light is silent. Light is peaceful. Light observes, does nothing, remains light. Light loves, light is loved, light shines and ignites. Light shines and light watches and continues shining. Light always shines when in the home, with The Father. Home means shine. Shine means home.

Light forgets, dims, goes out, becomes what it's not. Light becomes dark and light's world becomes dark. Without light. In the dark the extinguished light stumbles and falls and creates shadows, in the dark. Dark upon dark. Black upon black.

The Great Light lights the dark. The lights who had become dark become light. The lights forget the dark and become love and bliss and peace and silently light.

The Observers from the Dimension of Light

Home is infinite light. Home is timeless. Home is silent. Eternally silent. Home is togetherness. Family. Tender and gentle. Family is connected, light mingling with light. Light weaving with light. Close. Touching. Light touching light. Light mixing with light. Still light, timeless light. Forever light.

Light observes the dark place, dispassionate. Light watches the dark, in silence. Light remains light and shines light to other lights in the dark. The other lights, in the dark, forgetting they are lights, sense the light and become silent and something within, beckons. Something felt not thought, stirs and is not forgotten but is hidden away again until the next time they are touched by the light in the dark.

Slowly, in time, the darkened place becomes light. The darkened lights become ignited lights, shining light, touching light, lighting light. When all is light the dark is forgotten. Everywhere is light. Light upon light, thanks to The Light.

The Puppet Show

The beings of light visit this puppet show for entertainment. They come for entertainment and they come to awaken the angels that are asleep. The awake angels pay attention not to get trapped in the story when they are here. Being awake and on the light side of the line, they are wise and careful. They want nothing from the puppet show, the cartoon, the fictional play.

Just by being awake they are helping others. They are helpers of God and helpers of themselves. Te service that they do is the highest karma, the rewards are unlimited and almost unimaginable. The beings of light, the awake angels, come and go from this corporeal world. They want nothing from it. They just want to serve their brothers, the asleep angels.

Children of God

The awakened angel observes the drama from within it. The awakened angel knows this fictional world is an illusion. His character is fictitious. Around him, other angels but they are sleeping, lost in their fictional characters, experiencing the temporary happiness and constant sorrow of the part.

The awakened angel's role now awake, is to stay awake and awaken the other angels all of which are his brothers, the princes of the divine kingdom. The children of the King of Kings.

The awake angels live in the eternal world of subtle light with their Father, the Ocean of Peace and the Ocean of Love. Their Father never changes. Always loving, always peaceful, no matter what, for all time, eternally.

The awakened angels are one hundred percent peaceful, content, happy in their light home. They know this is the real world, the constant world, the eternal world and the world of illusion (Maya) iis just a fleeting story, repeating over and over again. Same old!!

Across the Line

Having a clear line between fact and fiction helps stay on the right side of the line. What is the right side? How do I know?. The right side is the side of truth and when I am in truth I am in my original, natural state of being which is full live, full peace, full bliss, full contentment.

Conversely, being on the wrong side of the line is easy to know too. I might still experience happiness but it is temporary and mixed with sorrow. So what do you want to do? How do you want to be. The line is the line between soul consciousness, the truth, and body consciousness, the lie. Fact and fiction.

Who am I? I am a light being. You are a light being, an angel, part of the divine royal family of the King of Kings

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

The Day Life Changed

Phillihp Gough will never forget the day (8/5/2017 - 10pm) the realisation came that 'he' was a fictional character in a play. Phillihp Gough is a lie, a myth, a cartoon character. Phillihp Gough is not real. Phillihp Gough is a figment of the imagination of an angel who fell asleep. Once the angel awoke the character disappeared.

The awake angel is aware of who 'he' is, what he is, how he is. The awake angel knows he is a noble prince, a child of the King, part of a royal family of souls and he knows he is immortal. The awake angel knows he is a being of light. The awake angels knows that reality is the eternal world of light, the family and the King. All the rest is fiction.

The characters the angel plays in the story, are all fictional and based on illusion. That's fine as long as the angel is aware of that, that it is a story, entertainment, not to be taken seriously. But if the angel falls asleep and forgets this fact, then the angel suffers. The King's role is to wake all of the angels up and show them how to stay awake and sometimes the sleeping angels manage this and sometimes they don't. This is also the job of the angels who wake up and stay awake.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Fact from fiction

Phillihp Gough is a fictional character. He sometimes thinks he is real. However, he's an actor in a play, a character written into an eternal play. The actor playing the character is an eternal, invisible being of light, a noble prince who enjoys playing different characters over time. That is, most of the time. Until the prince falls asleep whilst acting and begins to dream. In the prince's dreams the prince (who is also an angel) begins to believe the prince is the character. Big mistake, though accurate within the play. When the prince forgets the play becomes a drama and the noble prince experiences sadness, emptiness, depression, lonliness and unhappiness. The prince however, is fortunate because he has a Friend who is a King and never forgets.

The King who is also the prince's Father and Mother and Teacher and Friend lives in  the sky beyond the sky, the eternally peaceful and huge dimension of misty, golden light, which is the home of all the actors in the play. The world of light is so peaceful and silent and still. All the prince's live there. They are all part of the one gigantic angelic family. Their home is the eternally unchanging real world whereas the play takes place in a ever changing fictional world, an illusionary world.

Phillihp Gough is a temporary apparition, an unreal character played by a prince who is also an angel and a being of light.

Sky Beyond Sky

Our home is a world of light. All else is fiction, lies, illusion. We are beings of light, angels, noble sovereigns wanting for nothing. We have it all, we are complete, eternal, immortal and one family. The play is fiction, Maya, intricate, involved and all consuming if we are not careful.

It is easy to become fooled by the fictional play, the small puppet show, the little story. Easy to believe the story is fact not fiction and that the characters within it are real. Easy to think the many roles we play when we visit the drama are who we are, to fall asleep at the wheel. Before we were awake we were asleep. Most of our family are asleep and can only awaken with our help. It is our duty to awaken them. They need the help of awakened angels.

The Eternal King awakens us from our slumber and restores our nobility within a second. The King is always the King, unchanging for all time. The King never forgets. Never forgets the children, never forgets the truth. The Immortal King resides in the sky beyond the sky, the eternal home. The Eternal King always sees through the eyes of love, peace and bliss.

The Role of the Awakened

In the world of light all are family. It is our home. The royal princes and the King. Ever pure, ever peaceful, ever blissful and always self aware. They need nothing, these beings of light. 

They see through the eyes of love...always. Unchanging, eternal, immortal, they want for nothing. The story is extra. It is entertainment to be enjoyed but not needed. The angels are complete. The story is an extra. It is fun. It is a fictional story and the awake angels enjoy the scenes. They never become emotionally involved in the play, they know it is fiction but they also know some of their family have fallen asleep whilst playing in the story and the play has become a drama.

So the awake angels, the royal princes, the powerful, enter the drama to awaken their family and take them home. They stay awake with the help of their Mother/Father, the King. The King guides them, keeps them safe, reminds them if they forget. The awake angels are sticks for the blind ones, their family members who have become trapped in Maya, the illusion of identity.

All are angels but not all know. So the awake angels remind with their light and might and their example. Their role is special. They are the helpers of the King. They are nobles, the highest beings, and their quest is simple. All must be awoken.