A yogi resides in the eternally silent home of light. It is his love, his life. A yogi is complete, one hundred percent content, blissful, loveful and peaceful. If a yogi isn't all of these things all of the time then he isn't a yogi but rather, one who does yoga.
A yogi is one who has yoga (connection, union) with the eternal self which is peaceful, loveful blissful, God, the King of Kings and his family of noble brothers, all other souls. A yogi is that eternally, for all time. It is only possible to remain in such a state of being when there is total disinterest in the cartoon world. This world, the ever-changing, dualistic story.
A yogi developed disinterest in this world because he realised that all that he sought is all that he is. Realising that he changed his perspective from participant to detached observer of the story. He developed trustee, guest consciousness and from that moment on he was fulfilled and moved from this world to that world, the eternal world of light.
A yogi developed disinterest in this world because he realised that all that he sought is all that he is. Realising that he changed his perspective from participant to detached observer of the story. He developed trustee, guest consciousness and from that moment on he was fulfilled and moved from this world to that world, the eternal world of light.
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