Even when we are working in the office for fourteen hours, or we have to work in a different town, or if we spend the whole week away from home in an office, we are aware that the office is never our home. Home is home. Our eternal Home is not for a short, temporary time, it is timeless, and there is no end to it. Time is experienced only here in the drama. We ourselves are timeless, our Home is timeless, we belong there, and this is just like our office. Even if we are here the whole week, our job can end suddenly and there is always a place we can go back to, our home. In the same way, even though we may be here for a long time, this comes to an end and we all go Home.
Some souls ask what is the point of leaving our Home to come into this drama? We do this because we are players. Just as a basketball player has a home, there comes a time when he leaves his home and goes onto the basketball court to play his sport. He knows that when he goes there he will get tired after a while and that he might get injured, but he still goes there and plays and then a time comes when he goes back home. Just because he has a home doesn't mean he stay there always.
The same thing happens with us. We have a home but we are players. We are good at singing, jumping, dancing, painting, expressing, acting, etc. We have many skills and talents. And so, we come here, we play and then when the time comes we leave and go back. A basketball player plays and it is true that he may get injured. We try to prevent the damage as much as possible, but there is no harm in playing. At this time we understand that our relationships, our love and our company are all with the avyakt stars. Cathy, Anna, Prashant may be names of the roles within the drama over there in the plastic world but my true relationships are with the Higher Beings.
The relationships of avyakt beings are with avyakt beings. If we think that we are human beings then we will mix and relate to human beings. Once we have crossed the line and become trapped in the details of the drama, the game is finished because we get defeated in the game with human beings. In order to stay awake, relationships with the monkey world have to finish and we must open relationships with the avyakt stars. Avyakt beings have disinterest in the world of human beings. This is not gradual, it is a jump. Angels see angels. Only when we make the real world big and important, only then can we remember Baba.
- Whilst walking around see the radiating emanating star with a halo shining behind the body/role. This star deserves respect and love. Have the awareness that a living star is interacting with another living star.
- While acting and interacting in the drama, remember the eternal Home, the timeless, changeless, eternal place of rest and residence.
- Remember that we came into the drama to “play” a part and express our talents, but that we do not live on the stage. We are only here for a short time.
- Experience the joy of knowing we are going Home soon.
Thanks to Prashant Kakoda of the UK