Saturday, 20 May 2017

Not everywhere's in Somerset, Scrumpy.

The fictional character Phillihp Gough spent sometime in the lovely county of Somerset, England, but not a lot. Mostly it was just passing through on the way to the even lovelier Devon and Cornwall. He probably went on the very train shown in the picture on his way to Dawlish, Devon, with his best friend of the time, Raymond White and his parents, for a short holiday at the sea-side.

So it's clear that not everywhere is in Somerset. The sky beyond the sky is not in Somerset. Do you remember your home of light? No trains, just eternal silence, peace, bliss. More than enough to feel content.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Be still and know that I am God!

I think that should read, 'Be still (inwardly silent) and you'll realise that you are similar to God'.

We're similar, God and I but it's taken this one millennia to remember that. It's not that this one is God but there are many similarities which are significant, in the scheme of things. Take immortality for example. 

God is immortal and we are immortal. Being immortal is significant. It places a whole new slant on life knowing that we always exist. Knowing this should effect how one thinks and acts, day to day, minute to minute, second to second. Why, even just thinking about it produces shivers down the backbone. Nice shivers.

God is eternal and we are eternal. Nice one. No more death. Never born, will never die. Nice thoughts to contemplate whilst time passes by. 

God is bliss and we are bliss. Heck, what does the word even mean? Let's just publish and get back to this one!!

Behind the veil of illusion

The truth is we are God like, but what does that mean? Should it actually read, 'were God like'? A diamond is always a diamond even if covered in mud, right? The point is, our essence hasn't changed it's just become hidden so we still are God like. Our essence is locatable once we know where and how to look for it.

Well, we now know what God is like. What 'He' does and doesn't do. We know 'His' form, 'His' abode. Let's see how we shape up to the 'God list'. 

God is eternally;
  • The Ocean of Love (hmmmm)
  • The Ocean of Bliss (hmmmm)
  • The Ocean of Peace (hmmmm)
  • Eternally Powerful (hmmmm)
  • Eternally Knowledgeful (hmmmm)
  • Resides beyond the sky (not at the moment)
  • Is a tiny point of conscious energy (we too)
  • Eternal (we too)
  • Immortal (we too)
Well, three point five out of nine. It's a start. My behaviour doesn't suggest I'm Bapsaman (equal to God) yet. If I was to remember it constantly it would be true. So it's a question of forgetting, of falling asleep. I didn't know my lineage before but now that I do, all that is necessary to make it so again is to stay awake.

Coming down to play our part(s)

The Awakened Angels come from their home of light where they reside with their divine family and Father, into this corporeal world and begin to play their part(s). For some, most, it is one part, maybe two or three but for others as many as eighty four different parts, eighty four different characters. Different gender, different nationality, different status but some angelic being.

As time passes in the play the Awakened Angels fall asleep and forget they are eternal, divine, non-physical beings and begin to associate and become entangled in matter and the role they are playing. Then sorrow comes into their life whereas before there was only joy, happiness, peace and bliss. They call themselves by the name of the part they are playing believing that to be who they are. The driver of the car thinks he's the car!!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Sleeping Angels but still angels

The Sleeping Angels, though still angels, are behaving badly at this time. Once an angel falls asleep they forget lots of things. In particular, they forget they are God like in nature, Bapsaman even, and that leaves them feeling a little insecure. Insecurity leads to possessiveness, possessiveness to greed and attachment and before you know what's happened these angels are getting up to all sorts of actions which have repercussions, the like of which we won't go into here. Suffice it to say that if their mother heard about it she'd probably blush.

Anyway, it's all part of the wonderful toy story which lasts 5000 years, or there abouts. Not to worry, it all turns out well in the end. After a lot of sorrow the sleeping angels realise (thanks to their Dad) the truth about themselves, they then pull their heads in and change their behaviour and everyone goes home.


Bliss is the natural condition of the Light Beings. Have you experienced it? This one has. It comes and it goes but it has come and it will come again, constantly. When in the home, with The Father and The Angelic Family, bliss is the experience of all. When awake and aware we are eternal beings and that it is all a game bliss becomes the experience.

One day soon, even this corporeal world will be blissful. Though it will fade with time, yet it's very presence in the beginning time is remembered and becomes the aim for some.

Can bliss be described or only experienced? Only experienced. Just knowing and believing such a state is possible enables it to become so. Make it so.

One hundred percent clarity

One hundred percent clarity results in zero suffering. If there is any trace of suffering in ones life then it means there is not clarity and that one has become consumed by the story of mortality. Once achieving clarity one has to maintain it.

Clarity means knowing the truth about the self and others. Knowing one is immortal, eternal. Knowing the home, the Father and the family. Knowing the story as a story and being the observer of the activities within the story.

Having one hundred percent clarity means knowing one is love and is loved eternally by God. 

Toy Story

The Awakened Angels see this world as a toy story, filled with interesting characters and fascinating activities. It is very entertaining. They pay attention to maintaining this perspective throughout their time here. They are aware that it is possible to fall asleep and dream, believing this toy story to be reality. They can become involved in this story, interacting with the toy characters, but they know that these characters are really their brother angels who are asleep and believe the toy characters are them. So in their interactions the Awakened Angels diplomatically try to draw the attention of the toys to the  reality of who they really are and what is going on.

One way they do this is by maintaining their own state of 'awakeness', thus remaining light and carefree in spite of all that is going on around them. This might set a good example which others might become curious about and begin asking questions.

Another way is to engage in conversation around the subject of reality and observe whether this has any positive affect on the toys who then become inquisitive.

The toys however, might be having so much fun playing their character that they don't want to wake up, but that will change over time and they will then begin to look for ways to end their dream which has become a nightmare. 

Monday, 15 May 2017

Being in the light, staying in the light, shining light to guide others. Being awake, staying awake, awakening others. This is all that matters at this time and this is the role of The Awakened Angels.

An Awake Angel lives in the world of light and visits this corporeal world. The world of light is everything to an Awake Angel. An Awake Angel only wants to reside there, but comes here to help the other members of the angel family, the whole of human kind.

An Asleep Angel, doesn't know that he is an angel and thinks that this physical world is his home but due to sorrow wants to escape it. The Asleep Angel is trying to discover who he is, as something deep within doesn't seem right, but the Asleep Angel doesn't know what it is, so stumbles around looking for the path to liberation. 

Every reason to be happy, no reason to be sad.

Awakened Angels are one hundred percent happy all of the time. Why? They know they are immortal and eternal. They know they will always live, that nothing can harm them. They know the truth and the lies about 'reality'. They know and are loved by The King of Kings and their divine angelic family. They are able to visit and participate in the story without becoming attached to it. They can be involved but not emotionally affected. The Story is entertainment for them. 

The Story isn't entertainment for those of their family who are asleep though. That's the thing about The Story. It can trap you into forgetting who you are and then sorrow is experienced. So the Awake Angels, now that they are awake (and that's thanks to The King of Kings incidentally) they have a job to do and that is to awaken everyone else. So, even though they know about their home, The Sky Beyond the Sky, and they no longer want or need anything from The Story (and they never did, actually) and it would be tempting to just 'stay at home' with The Lord of Light and the rest of The Awaken Angels, their role at this time is to keep visiting The Story whilst they wake everyone up.


The Story is small and insignificant, a by-plot to the main feature which is featuring at Sky Beyond Sky. These days this is where the real 'action' is. Now, to a casual observer, there won't seem to be much going on. Each day looks the same (golden light), sounds the same (silence), smells and tastes the same (no smell, no taste!). Compared to what is going on on the stage of the 5000 year play you could be forgiven for thinking that Sky Beyond Sky (SBS) was pretty boring, unexciting and very uninteresting. Until, that is, you look beyond the surface, the superficial, the visible and into the unseen.

What lies beneath? Total and complete love, peace, bliss, contentment and happiness. "How is that?", I hear you ask. Why would those Awake Angels who live there be so happy and blissful when there is nothing going on?

Life Beyond the Sky

The King of Kings, apart for a comparatively short period, resides in the light world beyond the sky. What does He do all day? There is no day! How does He spend His time? There is no time! Where does He go? That world stretches to infinity and beyond. There is no going anywhere.

The Asleep Angel, when trying to wake up by renewing a relationship with the King of Kings, is stuck with body conscious thoughts and comparisons. Having the need to go somewhere, do something is only what happens in The Story. The King of Kings is blissful, loveful, peaceful eternally. He is that. No need for anything more.

The King of Kings only thinks of waking the children up, of restoring them back to their original royal form. One thing and one thing only. He exists just to do that. He has no interest in the things within the story, what we did in our time here. Just bringing the children home.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Where do you live?

If an Awakened Angel stops a passing angel on the street and asks where they live and the angel replies that they they live in a street close by, then it indicates that that angel is asleep, does it not? Awakened ones never mistake the story for reality. They are always aware that they are 'just visiting' and, especially at this time, for the purpose of awakening their brothers, the Asleep Angels.

The Awakened Angels are on Godly service and by staying awake they serve in the best and most powerful way. They are always checking, to ensure that they don't cross the line between fact and fiction, lies and truth. The Awake Angels know the importance of this, for themselves and for their family who are still asleep.

The Awakened Angels have been selected by The King of Kings because of their realisations regarding the time. Having freed themselves from the illusion of matter, from The Land of Falsehood, the Awakened Angels are engaged in the wonderful activity of Shake Me Wake Me in regards to their still slumbering family.

Which Side of The Line?

I come to this practice...wait a minute. Who comes to this practice? I? 'I' is the wrong side of the line. 'I' is the fictional character. 'I' is the darkness. 'I' is fantasy.

The Awakened Angel observes the morning ritual of emerging from sleep. The Awakened Angel and the Sleeping Angel seem mixed but this is not possible. Either awake or asleep. There's no in between.

The Asleep Angel awakens in the bedroom. The Awake Angel awakens in The Home with the  King of Kings and The Divine Family. This morning the angel awoke asleep!

Amrit Vela, a daily period in The Story, is recommended by The Father for His children to wake up and be in The Truth. The truth is the angels have been sleeping for a very long time such they thought the dream was reality and so they had been suffering. Suffering is part of the dream and therefore a choice.

The Father never suffers. The Father is always awake and helps His children when they fall.