Friday, 30 June 2017

Awakening the Kumbhakarnas

The Awakened Angels are multi-million times fortunate because they know the beginning, middle and end of the story, the play of 5000 years. This enables them to remain detached yet loving whilst playing their many, many parts in the drama. Being detached means they are light and carefree, always peaceful and happy. Insight is such a great thing.

The Awakened Angels know themselves, their family of divine angels and their Father, the eternal King of Kings. They know they are eternal and immortal and so have nothing to fear. They are content and safe and their only desire is to awaken their brothers from their slumber.

They do this by speaking to their brothers but mostly by their example of living within the drama. This is their only task and they go about it with great joy whilst being thoroughly entertained by each and every scene in the story. The Awakened Angels are light, cheerful and carefree and their nature is divine. They are filled with all virtues and all powers and they use these in the awakening process.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Through God's eyes

When God, the King of Kings, 'looks' at 'His' children 'He' only sees angels. Without the right context that would be impossible, even for 'Him'. I've put a few words in inverted commas because of course God doesn't have eyes or gender because God is incorporeal.

As children of God we are all Godlike but when we come to play our predestined parts in this toy story we play many different roles. When we first come on the stage we are pure. What that means is we do not have any accounts of actions (karma) and we are virtuous with no trace of vice. Time in this physical dimension (incorporeal world) gradually erodes our virtues as we slowly become entangled in matter and each other at which point our behaviour becomes vicious.

We are all divine, noble beings from beyond the sky and our time here in the corporeal world is for entertainment. Each moment can be joyous, thrilling, intriguing and so much fun if only we wouldn't fall asleep to the reality of who we actually are. But the falling asleep is part of the drama anyway. Then comes the very exciting part when we finally wake up again and realise what is actually going on and who we really are. 

Slowly from slumber they emerge.

Awake Angels live in the world beyond the sky and come to this story for entertainment. The story is complex but a story nevertheless and the Awake Angels know this and this is why they are able to enjoy it so much and remain one hundred percent happy one hundred percent of the time. If they were ever to experience a moment's unhappiness they would realise they had nodded off and rapidly use their divine intellect and divine insight to reverse the situation.

At this time the Awake Angels are trying to awaken as many of their brothers as they can, as quickly as they can. This means they have to stay awake themselves and shine their light of peace and happiness so others can find the path. How is it possible to stay awake in such a world of action and distraction?

Continuous attention is needed. No need for tension in this, just attention. How do the Awake's do this? What is their secret? Practise, over and over again. These Angels are disciplined because they know the value of what they are doing. They experience the benefits first hand in the day-to-day. Why else would one spend the time?

Remaining detached and a guest

The Awake Angels visit this fictional story and are entertained as detached observers. They know the truth of this drama and they are keen to share it with their brothers, the rest of humanity, and awaken them. Awake means to experience a life of one hundred percent happiness and joy and to be light and to easily rise above those things that others find difficult.

The Awake Angels know that all are immortal angels and are Godlike in their nature. They view everyone through the filters of knowledge and see beyond the physical appearance and the role being played. This is why they remain light.

The Awake Angels know their true home, their Father the King and their family of noble brothers. They are safe and secure and have no needs which is why they can easily come and go between the story and their home without getting trapped and experiencing sorrow.

They know the truth and the truth sets them free and keeps them free as long as they remember it. They have very clear intellects and can easily distinguish between the true and the false and they have the strength to be able to put their decisions and judgements into practical actions.

All the Awake Angels efforts goes into maintaining and strengthening their awakened state and waking up the rest of their sleeping family. This is why they are one hundred percent happy for all time. They strive to establish and maintain the perspective of being a guest as well as an instrument for world transformation. This enables them to perform their task without any burdens.