Monday, 29 May 2017

Thanks to Heather Tara

Those beings of light, those awake angels they're the one's who see with such clarity. It's as if they see everything. It's as though they know everything. Their visions see past the drama walls, the drama boundaries and into waking reality. Their vision is clear and accurate. This means they're not victim to ignorance or confusion, they're not trapped by Maya's tricks. They stay clear, with clear accurate perspective.

Seeing what is real and knowing that what is drama is just a cartoon, just a fictional story. For them this is obvious. So they remain completely unaffected by drama, unaffected by the story, the Tom and Jerry cartoon. 

These angels remain with the waking reality and through that by keeping their consciousness from the perspective of the audience, keeping that detached view, they experience the complete treasures, complete freedom peace full contentment they live with the company of angels in their divine home. They have the divine Father as their constant companion. It's a life that  is full and rich and they find they don't need anything from drama, they have no use for the things of drama and so they remain ever content, happy, joyful, sparkling.

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