Friday 30 June 2017

Awakening the Kumbhakarnas

The Awakened Angels are multi-million times fortunate because they know the beginning, middle and end of the story, the play of 5000 years. This enables them to remain detached yet loving whilst playing their many, many parts in the drama. Being detached means they are light and carefree, always peaceful and happy. Insight is such a great thing.

The Awakened Angels know themselves, their family of divine angels and their Father, the eternal King of Kings. They know they are eternal and immortal and so have nothing to fear. They are content and safe and their only desire is to awaken their brothers from their slumber.

They do this by speaking to their brothers but mostly by their example of living within the drama. This is their only task and they go about it with great joy whilst being thoroughly entertained by each and every scene in the story. The Awakened Angels are light, cheerful and carefree and their nature is divine. They are filled with all virtues and all powers and they use these in the awakening process.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Through God's eyes

When God, the King of Kings, 'looks' at 'His' children 'He' only sees angels. Without the right context that would be impossible, even for 'Him'. I've put a few words in inverted commas because of course God doesn't have eyes or gender because God is incorporeal.

As children of God we are all Godlike but when we come to play our predestined parts in this toy story we play many different roles. When we first come on the stage we are pure. What that means is we do not have any accounts of actions (karma) and we are virtuous with no trace of vice. Time in this physical dimension (incorporeal world) gradually erodes our virtues as we slowly become entangled in matter and each other at which point our behaviour becomes vicious.

We are all divine, noble beings from beyond the sky and our time here in the corporeal world is for entertainment. Each moment can be joyous, thrilling, intriguing and so much fun if only we wouldn't fall asleep to the reality of who we actually are. But the falling asleep is part of the drama anyway. Then comes the very exciting part when we finally wake up again and realise what is actually going on and who we really are. 

Slowly from slumber they emerge.

Awake Angels live in the world beyond the sky and come to this story for entertainment. The story is complex but a story nevertheless and the Awake Angels know this and this is why they are able to enjoy it so much and remain one hundred percent happy one hundred percent of the time. If they were ever to experience a moment's unhappiness they would realise they had nodded off and rapidly use their divine intellect and divine insight to reverse the situation.

At this time the Awake Angels are trying to awaken as many of their brothers as they can, as quickly as they can. This means they have to stay awake themselves and shine their light of peace and happiness so others can find the path. How is it possible to stay awake in such a world of action and distraction?

Continuous attention is needed. No need for tension in this, just attention. How do the Awake's do this? What is their secret? Practise, over and over again. These Angels are disciplined because they know the value of what they are doing. They experience the benefits first hand in the day-to-day. Why else would one spend the time?

Remaining detached and a guest

The Awake Angels visit this fictional story and are entertained as detached observers. They know the truth of this drama and they are keen to share it with their brothers, the rest of humanity, and awaken them. Awake means to experience a life of one hundred percent happiness and joy and to be light and to easily rise above those things that others find difficult.

The Awake Angels know that all are immortal angels and are Godlike in their nature. They view everyone through the filters of knowledge and see beyond the physical appearance and the role being played. This is why they remain light.

The Awake Angels know their true home, their Father the King and their family of noble brothers. They are safe and secure and have no needs which is why they can easily come and go between the story and their home without getting trapped and experiencing sorrow.

They know the truth and the truth sets them free and keeps them free as long as they remember it. They have very clear intellects and can easily distinguish between the true and the false and they have the strength to be able to put their decisions and judgements into practical actions.

All the Awake Angels efforts goes into maintaining and strengthening their awakened state and waking up the rest of their sleeping family. This is why they are one hundred percent happy for all time. They strive to establish and maintain the perspective of being a guest as well as an instrument for world transformation. This enables them to perform their task without any burdens.

Friday 23 June 2017

I am surrounded by angels

I am surrounded by angels but I am the only one who knows it.

I am sat in a cafe. People come and go. A man stands at the counter and orders a 'straight black'. He wanders around after placing his order, checking the posters on the wall and the 'Blackstar' coffee beans for sale. He's an angel but he doesn't know it.

Behind me sits two women. They've been chatting since I got here and hour ago. They're on their third cup of coffee as far as I know. Could be more. They're angels but they don't know it. Only I do.

An angel on the phone drives by in a SUV. Absorbed in the conversation but asleep to the fact that reality is not what it seems. Asleep at the wheel? Asleep throughout life. 

Do I have a problem with that? No, not at all. They're engrossed in the eternal play and enjoying it. Well some of it, I'm not sure how much.

Two angels enter through the front door from out the back. They think they're ladies but I know they are light beings, eternal and immortal. They look like they're having fun and that's lovely. But will it last? No, this is an ever changing world and nothing lasts. That's only a problem if you think you are mortal. In that case you are trapped and it will end in tears.

The safe way is to remain detached, a guest who owns nothing. That way you stay free, light and safe. That's what everyone wants isn't it? Enjoy the entertaining, complex drama, filled with interesting, exciting events ever changing. 

Eternal life is behind the veil of death

Only death reveals the eternal nature of the self and when it arrives the relief is palatable. Then all the suffering and sorrow of the departing life is placed alongside the peace, bliss and happiness of the bodiless soul and becomes insignificant in comparison.

We are light beings you and I but our bodies and our senses draw the veil ever tightly over our inner knowing and prevent realisation emerging.

Our home is not this world of constant noise and increasing suffering but the dimension of light that only death reveals.

I am a visitor here, a guest. Nothing belongs to me, I am free. If we can maintain this perspective whilst alive, whilst in this corporeal world, live becomes easy, I remain happy and can be of great benefit to others as I share my easiness, my contentment and my wisdom. 

This is a drama and we are actors

My spiritual practise involves me convincing myself that I am an actor in a 5000 year long play. I work at this day and night. Why? 

Several years ago (31 to be precise) I 'stumbled' across some knowledge which changed my life. The essence of this knowledge is; we are spiritual beings experiencing this world through a physical body, what we think is reality is actually a predestined play which repeats identically every 5000 years; God is also a spiritual being and we are similar to that One in our nature and form. Life-changing, right?

Fast forward to the present. Due to the subjective experiences I have had and the transformation in my life I have developed a faith in this knowledge and have decided to put my money on the fact that it is true. Developing a strong belief makes life so much easier as far as I am concerned and I think that's true generally. Hence, I practise regularly changing my perception of the world around me, striving to maintain the perspective of an actor in a drama. The aim of this practise is to remain involved yet detached from the events, circumstances and people around me whom I share the world with. Doing this keeps me stable, happy and peaceful even whilst being totally engaged with the scenes of the drama.

So I am an actor and you are an actor too. The character I am 'playing' at the moment, Phillihp Gough, is fictional in regards 'he' is not me. I believe in reincarnation, so before this life I was playing another part. Could have been male, could have been female. I am non-physical, androgynous and able to easily play the part of either gender. Very entertaining. 

When we forget our true identity we end up becoming supported by matter in this physical world and that includes the very body I am in. This causes me sorrow eventually. 

So, I've decided to keep going with 'brainwashing' myself because the benefits appear to be huge. I'm no longer trapped by the actions of others. I am free to be me. 

Thursday 15 June 2017

Constant Awareness of Our True Home

Even when we are working in the office for fourteen hours, or we have to work in a different town, or if we spend the whole week away from home in an office, we are aware that the office is never our home. Home is home.  Our eternal Home is not for a short, temporary time, it is timeless, and there is no end to it.  Time is experienced only here in the drama.  We ourselves are timeless, our Home is timeless, we belong there, and this is just like our office.  Even if we are here the whole week, our job can end suddenly and there is always a place we can go back to, our home.  In the same way, even though we may be here for a long time, this comes to an end and we all go Home.  

Some souls ask what is the point of leaving our Home to come into this drama?  We do this because we are players.  Just as a basketball player has a home, there comes a time when he leaves his home and goes onto the basketball court to play his sport.  He knows that when he goes there he will get tired after a while and that he might get injured, but he still goes there and plays and then a time comes when he goes back home.  Just because he has a home doesn't mean he stay there always.  

The same thing happens with us.  We have a home but we are players.  We are good at singing, jumping, dancing, painting, expressing, acting, etc.  We have many skills and talents.  And so, we come here, we play and then when the time comes we leave and go back.  A basketball player plays and it is true that he may get injured.  We try to prevent the damage as much as possible, but there is no harm in playing.  At this time we understand that our relationships, our love and our company are all with the avyakt stars. Cathy, Anna, Prashant may be names of the roles within the drama over there in the plastic world but my true relationships are with the Higher Beings.

The relationships of avyakt beings are with avyakt beings.  If we think that we are human beings then we will mix and relate to human beings. Once we have crossed the line and become trapped in the details of the drama, the game is finished because we get defeated in the game with human beings. In order to stay awake, relationships with the monkey world have to finish and we must open relationships with the avyakt stars. Avyakt beings have disinterest in the world of human beings. This is not gradual, it is a jump.  Angels see angels. Only when we make the real world big and important, only then can we remember Baba.


  • Whilst walking around see the radiating emanating star with a halo shining behind the body/role. This star deserves respect and love.  Have the awareness that a living star is interacting with another living star.
  • While acting and interacting in the drama, remember the eternal Home, the timeless, changeless, eternal place of rest and residence.
  • Remember that we came into the drama to “play” a part and express our talents, but that we do not live on the stage. We are only here for a short time.
  • Experience the joy of knowing we are going Home soon.

Thanks to Prashant Kakoda of the UK

Friday 2 June 2017

Call of the Ocean

Where it all began 
And in between all sustained and fed.
Where it all will end, 
Where the rivers knew there would be land.
To the infinity from which all life emerged.
They'd heard the call before,
Remembered the words.
They hear the call of the Ocean.
They hear the call of their home.

The clouds like place 
And the old river on its ageless journey.
The flying birds and the warm wind carrying them seaward.
Past is running faster advancing from the rear.
The sound of Your waves is ringing in our ear.
Ageless unchanging, supremely strong.
Fixed and permanent never wrong.
I hear the call of the Ocean, 
I hear the call of the Ocean, 
We hear the call of the Ocean, 
We hear the call of the Ocean, 
We hear the call of our home.

Eugene Romain & Louis Cennamo - Call of the Ocean. Diamond Harbour CD

Diamond Harbour

Rivers of light flow softly to the Ocean, 
The cycle complete, the journey's end. 
Creation calls, Creator comes, 
From silence into sound descends.
Down at the Diamond Harbour

The time travellers have come so far. 
Across the sunset and through the night.
Playing out their wondrous parts. 
Now lost and deceived by false delights,
But everything's alright 
Now they've reached the Diamond Harbour.

At the Diamond Harbour there's a meeting place
Peace waves wash away tired yearnings.
Once empty vessels filled with treasure 
Set sail at dawn, homeward, returning, 
Their going home at last.
Thanks to the Diamond Harbour.

A place of rest and salvation.
A chance to mend broken sails. 
And wherever we travel from here,
We'll always remember, the time, 
The time at the Diamond Harbour.

We'll always remember, 
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
We'll always remember, 
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
We'll always remember, 
The time at the Diamond Harbour.
We'll always remember, 
The time at the Diamond Harbour.

Eugene Romain & Louis Cannamo: Diamond Harbour CD