Sunday 28 May 2017

Awake Angels can even observe their own fictional characters in the Toy Story

When angels first come into the drama play they are fully awake but only for a short time. They do know, in the beginning, that they are not the character they are playing, but time does funny things to their awareness and over time they forget. Just forget. Nothing sinister there at all, just memory loss. It could be called, falling asleep.

Even though the characters they are playing don't experience sorrow initially, this forgetting, sleeping, eventually leads them into doing things that aren't so good for their emotional, mental and physical health. 

What starts off as a toy story, a game of fun, happiness, excitement, gradually becomes tainted. That's the way of things. Order to disorder, new to old. The immortal Awake Angel becomes the mortal Asleep Angel, the human being.

Eventually, slowly at first, the angels awaken and once awake begin the process of awakening others and transforming the world. 

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